ACSE Internet Incentives


The ACSE Internet Specials have been created for our clients that are regular users of the internet. By corresponding through email, and submitting information through our website, ACSE will reduce the service fees by 5%. To review our fees under the contract, please refer to the Fees link to the left.


Here are a few questions to help you understand the ACSE New Client Internet Specials. If you have any additional questions about the Specials, please feel free to call us at 972.989.7759 or e-mail us at


The ACSE's New Client Internet Specials are a wonderful new opportunity for ACSE and our new clients. ACSE will reduce our fees by 5% for new clients that use our internet resources.

Why has ACSE instituted these savings?

Over the past year, ACSE has shown remarkable growth. While ACSE has been extremely successful in enforcing, collecting, and securing child support payments for our clients, we have been able to reduce our operational costs by creating such programs as our Internet Services and investing in a customized database program specifically designed for the enforcement and collection of child support called Enforcement Pro 2.01. Because of these reductions in our operational costs, ACSE is happy to pass along the savings to you. Not only is our ACSE Internet Specials a way to say "Welcome" to our new clients, but it also allows ACSE to save time and to concentrate on the enforcement of child support for you and your children.

Who should subscribe to the ACSE New Client Internet Specials?

All clients who actively use the internet are encouraged to apply for ACSE's New Client Internet Specials.


If I subscribe to ACSE's Internet Specials, can I still contact ACSE office on the telephone?

ACSE asks that phone calls to the ACSE office be limited. The reason ACSE is able to provide this service is because the Internet Services allow us to cut-back on the time that we spend on the telephone. ACSE has concentrated its efforts on the enforcement of child support, and time we spend on the telephone is time taken away from our enforcement and collection efforts. If you have new important information that you believe ACSE does not already have, then email or contact our office.

What if ACSE's web site is temporarily down?

On occasion, web sites have been known to become temporarily unavailable due to weather or computer problems. Although we do not anticipate our web site to become unavailable for our clients, it is always a possibility. If, at any time, our web site becomes temporarily unavailable, give us a call at 972.989.7759 so that we can address any of your needs. ACSE will act with due diligence in restoring the web site.

How soon can I expect a response from an internet inquiry?

If you request a response to information submitted or post an online inquiry, ACSE will respond to your inquiry within 2 business days. However, our representatives may be able to reply to your inquiry the same day.

How do I submit information?

You can submit all new information about your case by sending us an e-mail. Also, you can submit information about the Non-Custodial Parent by visiting our Current Client Resources page and clicking on the NCP Information page. If you can provide us with the ACSE Case Number in each of your submissions, we will be able to process the information and respond to your request quickly.