ACSE Client Testimonials


The references below are just a handful of the numerous client references that ACSE has received. If you are already a ACSE client and would like to submit a letter to be posted on our client references page, please send us a letter or e-mail us.


If you have grown tired of working with state and local agencies and would like to see results, apply for services today. ACSE will help create a better future for you and your children, just as we did for these Custodial Parents.


"Thanks to ACSE and their efforts, I am now, eleven years later, getting my child support plus interest. Even though my child is now 18, thanks to ACSE, we are finally getting what is owed to us."

-Shirley S.


"After over 5 years of seeking and searching, I now feel that there does seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel. I am now receiving my child support every month because of ACSE. Both my children and I appreciate all the help and support that ACSE has extended to me."

-Laura V.


"On behalf of my children, I thank you ever so much in helping us get the child support and interest from their mother. When you all took my case over, ya'll took the bull by the horns. Thank you everyone that works there at the Bureau of Child Support Enforcement for turning our lives around for us."

-David S. & Kids.


"ACSE is fantastic. The state had not been very helpful with my case, so I was very impressed with how quickly my case was handled at ACSE. My counselor was great and very helpful, especially in the courtroom. ACSE is the best." -Rosemary M.


"ACSE has done more for me in one year than anyone has done for me in the past ten years. I have had attorneys and agencies that only cost me thousands of dollars that I did not have to spare. ACSE has been heaven sent, a true blessing in my life."

-Darlene M.


"It was good to find an agency that could help me in my situation. I tried to work with the state of California, but they could never get Texas to work with them. My children are grown now, and I thought I would never get this money. I am now getting the child support that I've been trying to get the state to collect for years."

-Laura V.


"For many years I only received sporadic payments from my ex-husband. I took him to court over and over again, but after a few months of paying, the checks would eventually stop. I was never able to get child support unless it was forced on him. He always had an excuse for not paying child support - 'I'm trying to pay my fines,' 'I don't have any money.' Meanwhile, I struggled to make ends meet.

I resigned myself to the fact that I would support her on my own, and I did. However, as she got older and as I began to envision college costs, I decided I had nothing to lose. I saw an advertisement in the local yellow pages about ACSE, so I called, had the papers sent to me, filled them out, mailed them and decided I probably wasted my time and stamps. I was very skeptical!

A few months later, I found a check in my mailbox from ACSE. I was stunned, thrilled, excited--just about every emotion possible ran through me. After our initial jumping around the kitchen in pure joy, I really did just break down and started to cry because as I said, I never thought I would ever get any support for my daughter. It was unbelievable.

I have a few friends who say that it's unfortunate that my daughter isn't getting all that is due her. My response is always the same -- we're thrilled to get 67% of something, rather than 100% of nothing, which is what we received for so many years. I would recommend your agency to anyone who is unable to get any help from their local Attorney General's office."

-Lynita U.


"I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for a job well done! I appreciate all the hard work you have done on behalf of my children. You all have worked extremely hard to get the money my children need and deserve.

I’m sure you know that I have been divorced from my ex-husband since 1988. During the next 6 years, I was lucky to get a total of a few hundred dollars. In 1994, I tried to work with the State Agency for Child Support Enforcement. As you know, after 3 years, I was not any closer to receiving any money. As of a matter of fact, they tried to tell me they could not locate him, even with the address I supplied. It didn’t take you any time to locate him! Though from the start, this case has not been easy, you stuck with it!

I know that working across state lines can be difficult. At times it seemed exasperating. But your agency worked to make sure I was informed via email, snail mail, & phone calls. I found it very easy to contact you with any questions, and to receive prompt answers. I am also grateful about the way you managed to work with my ex and his attorney. They tried to make things difficult! Though until all the payments have been made, you can’ really call this case “closed”, I can and do look at it that way. I have already received more money in the last few years than I had in the previous 10! I can’t thank you enough. This money has made it easier to pay doctor bills and school tuition, as well as allow them more freedom to do some of the things they wanted to do. Thanks again."

-Kay K.


"ACSE has been a great help in providing financial support for my two children. I found one of their agents in the book and he came to me and personally assisted with all the information I needed to track down my ex-husband for financial support.

My ex-husband and I had a some what ugly divorce. But in the end it was all worth it! With the help of ACSE he ended up having to give me more monetary support being divorced from me than he did while he was married to me.

I have a few associates that go through the STATE for the child support funds and they complain about the time in which it takes for them to receive their funds due to the heavy volume the STATE has to deal with. Well, I can gladly say the financial support I receive for my children with the help of ACSE comes like clock work every two weeks and if I every need assistance I have been provided with several options to communicate with them such as, e-mail, internet, phone, etc...

In closing, I would like to say THANKS ACSE, with your help you have helped make my moms life a lot easier."

-La Chunna B.


"I would like to thank you and your staff for the outstanding job you all have done for me concerning the collection of arrears/child support. Before coming to y'all I had been under contract with a reputable attorney here in Dallas and she was no help to me. As a last straw, I called your agency and since then I no longer had to put forth the energy and frustration of getting nowhere on making my ex-husband pay his back child support. In addition to that, your agency also got my regular child support docked from his paycheck and coming to me on a regular basis.

Thank you again for an outstanding job!

-Leslie M.