Client Update Policies

ACSE’s Client Privacy Procedures:


ACSE makes every effort to keep you, our client, informed as to the progress of your case. Due to the number of clients that ACSE is currently serving we ask that our clients allow ample time for the caseworkers assigned to your case to work your case. Your case will be worked by several caseworkers insuring that your case is worked in an efficient manner.


ACSE takes pride of our personal communication with our clients. ACSE does not and will not implement a voice mail system. ACSE believes that you, our client, have been put on hold and left on voice mail long enough.


Your case workers will be available on Thursdays to provide you with an update on your case.


ACSE asks that you, our client, not request an update for the first 60 days. This time is needed to set up your case, verify information, locate the non-custodial parent, obtain missing documents and familiarize ourselves with your case. Your caseworkers will oftentimes contact you prior to the 60 day timeframe for additional information or to let you know the progress on your case.


Please refer to ACSE’s “Privacy Issues Concerning the Non-Custodial Parent” regarding the information ACSE will not be allowed to provide to you, our client, in reference to the non-custodial parent.


Your case workers will discuss offers made by the non-custodial parent with you, our client, but will not discuss the following information in regards to an on going case:

  • Specific information concerning people that we have contacted or are planning to contact.

  • Specific information as to what we have done on your case.


Update Policies for Internet Clients:


For our clients who have subscribed to our ACSE Internet Services, thereby receiving online discounts for services, our update policies are as follows:

  • Once we receive your application for ACSE Internet Services, please allow 60 days before requesting an update online so that we can establish relations, contact the NCP, etc. You can receive an update by emailing us at

  • You may contact ACSE's offices through telephone for limited purposes such as emergencies. The reason ACSE is able to provide the ACSE Internet Services is because the Internet Services allow us to cut-back on the time that we spend on the telephone. ACSE has concentrated its efforts on the enforcement of child support, and time we spend on the telephone is time taken away from our enforcement and collection efforts. Therefore, we ask that you submit any new information about your case, the NCP, or anything pertaining to the case through e-mail or submit the information on our website.

  • After receiving an update, please wait 30 days before emailing us for another update to allow the opportunity to refresh our information regarding your case.

Update Policies for Regular Clients:


For our clients who have not subscribed to our ACSE Internet Services, our update policies are as follows:

  • Once we receive your application for ACSE Services, please allow 60 days before requesting a telephone update so that we can establish relations, contact the NCP, etc.

  • We ask that you contact our office for updates at this designated time only since we will have a full time staff prepared to give case updates. Of course, you can contact our office at any time if you have additional information that could help us to enforce the court order and collect the child support you deserve.

  • After receiving an update, please wait 30 days before contacting the office for another update so that we have had the opportunity to refresh our information regarding your case.

Once you have finished reading this Disclosure Policy, you can read our other Company Policy Statements listed below.

Payment Disbursal Policies
Client Update Policies
Legal Action Policies
Visitation Issues Statement
Public Assistance and Public Agencies Statement
Client Rights and Responsibilities
Online Privacy Statement
CP/NCP Information Disclosure Policies