Legal Action Policies

Legal Action:


ACSE does not guarantee success against a non-custodial parent in any legal action. If in ACSE’s opinion, normal means of collections and voluntary arrangements with the non-custodial parent will not work, ACSE will evaluate your case for legal action. At this time you will be notified in writing of ACSE’s decision to proceed with legal action. At that time you will be informed of the options and the risks involved in your case.


ACSE will not take legal action in defense of any motion filed by the non-custodial parent for a modification to lower child-support or a motion for child-visitation or custody issues.


ACSE is not a law firm and cannot provide legal advice to any client.


Any questions of a legal nature regarding your case with ACSE will be referred to an attorney.


Settlement Offers:


ACSE will not enter into any agreement with the non-custodial parent without the express written permission of you, our client. ACSE will not take any settlement offer unless approved by you, our client.

Once you have finished reading this Disclosure Policy, you can read our other Company Policy Statements listed below.

Payment Disbursal Policies
Client Update Policies
Legal Action Policies
Visitation Issues Statement
Public Assistance and Public Agencies Statement
Client Rights and Responsibilities
Online Privacy Statement
CP/NCP Information Disclosure Policies